Be part of the Yoga Workshop Weekend with Adell Bridges February 22 & 23 and and discover the mysteries behind the interplay of handstand and brain, creative sequencing and the art of balance.
Yoga Workshop Weekend with Adell Bridges
10 – 12.30 Intro to creative sequencing SOME ASANA EXPERIENCE RECOMMENDED
Our asana practice can be so much more than the disciplined practice of showing up to do the same old things. In fact, research shows that novelty is beneficial in so many ways — not least because it reminds you that your body is your guru! Even if you don’t think of yourself as a creative type, in this workshop we’ll explore the fundamentals of finding new ways to move that feel empowering in your body! This workshop will include a mixture of movement and lecture and give you plenty to take home with you and into your practice.
14.00 – 16.30h Handstands & the brain – Part 1 ALL LEVELS WELCOME
Handstands are a full-body effort, and that very much includes the brain! Your muscles move because your brain tells them to, right? So let’s bring the brain into the conversation to help us absolutely NAIL the basics of handstands so that you can get kicking to vertical faster, with more confidence, and — yes! — without the wall. This workshop will include a mixture of movement and lecture and give you plenty to take home with you and into your practice!
>>> BOOK HERE <<<
10 – 12.30h Welcome the Wobbles – build your balance muscle ALL LEVELS
Yoga is really good for building better balance, but what if you could be better than just „really good“? What if you could have tools to make you AWESOME at balancing (on one foot, on your hands, or on anything else!)? What if you could have tools to KEEP you being awesome at balancing as you get older? In this workshop we will delve into the vestibular system and look at simple and fun ways we can do more for our „balance muscle“ in our yoga practice, for greater overall movement and wellbeing!
>>> BOOK HERE <<<
14 – 16.30h Handstands & the brain – Part 2 ALL LEVELS WELCOME
You know you need strength, flexibility, and a good dose of confidence to do handstands and take them to the next level. And for these things we usually think about our muscles, maybe bones and fascia. But these are tertiary as far as your brain is concerned (meaning they come in 3rd place!). Your eyes and your inner ear take 1st and 2nd place, so in this workshop you’ll learn how to use these higher-order systems to make your handstand practice stronger, more confident, and more fun! This workshop will include a mixture of movement and lecture and give you plenty to take home with you and into your practice!
About Adell Bridges
Adell is obsessed with yoga, handstands, and optimal health. She geeks out over anything that makes me a little bit happier, healthier, or more resilient than she was yesterday. And if you have an interest in becoming a better you, then you’ll get along great. Because she loves sharing her knowledge.
Adell is an advanced yoga teacher, an author, a blogger, and an advocate for staying curious always.
She has her own yoga platform: , offers yoga teacher trainings and advanced workshops and her fans love her Instagram Yoga-Hacks and YouTube Channel.
Tickets Yoga for the Yoga Workshop Weekend with Adell Bridges
- 65 Euro for a single workshop
- 240 Euro for all 4 WS
Workshop Location:
yogafürdich Schöneberg
Akazienstr 28, 1. Backyard, left entrance
10823 Berlin
Cancelation policy
- No reimbursements after 22.12.2024.
For Workshop Weekend ticket cancelations policy applies only, if all single workshop dates are canceled within time.