Known as a “teachers’ teacher,” Annie believes that Yoga practice is a remarkable method for learning to steady the attention on what is actually happening in the moment. From this place, compassion and radical acceptance naturally evolve. Old mindsets of the illusion of separation, of me and them, and self and other, dissolve into the knowledge of wholeness.
“Although our culture tends to shrink yoga to mean only the physical, asana element I believe that yoga truly is a shamanic path, capable of leading us through transformation on all levels. Yoga reminds us what is real, and thus who we are — the light radiating from within.”
You want to get to know Annie better? Check his homepage:
Pratipaksha Bhavanam is a beautiful Sanskrit phrase which means ‘cultivate the opposite.’ It is an ancient practice extolling us to practice examining our habits and to wake up to finding balance.
Change is hard! In Yoga practice, we build habits – good ones – and often we later discover that we’ve avoided something we really need. We lean into what feels good and what comes easily rather than seeing the big picture. In this weekend we’ll wake up to unconscious habits and begin to cultivate positive and life-long supportive new habits by considering the opposite of what we tend to lean into.
Annie Carpenter has been practicing Yoga for almost 50 years and teaching for over 35. She brings her geeky love of anatomy and philosophy and passion for finding both the subtle and the strong in the practice, so that we may all practice for a very long time.
Your foundation is strong and nimble, active and receptive. This strong practice will awaken and balance your feet creating healthy ankles, knees and hips above. Transitioning between poses will be emphasized for a seamless flow.
Any deep opening will need some inner support. Find what balancing actions you need as you open your shoulders, front hips and the whole length of your spine, so that your backbends remain joyous and safe for a very long time.
Twisting is a complex movement that reveals all our imbalances. Utilize your entire system – spine, shoulder girdle, hips and legs, and your breath to create healthy twists while stabilizing your most central and sacred bony structure.
This powerful practice unites our intentions, with our breath, body and subtle energy. Cultivate an inner awareness that illuminates your midline – the Sushumna — and the Prana that flows through it. Discover how the prana supports your breath and the breath supports your movement.
Find inner power through subtlety and ease. Less is definitely more.
Let’s come together for a short, simple practice of pranayama and meditation. Let’s clarify and aim our intentions and actions towards something greater than ourselves.
50% of the proceeds of this class will go towards this CHARITY: NABU – Deutscher Naturschutzbund
Location: yfd Studio Schöneberg
Single workshop ticket: 75 Euro for 2,5h workshops / 45 Euro for the 1,5h donation workshop
Workshop Weekend ticket: 300 Euro, Early Bird (until 16.3.2024, afterwards 325 Euro)
Book here: Link
Cancelation policy
– until 17.2.24 100% reimbursement
– until 17.3.24. 50% reimbursement
No reimbursements after March 17th, 2024.
For Workshop Weekend ticket cancelations policy applies only, if all single workshop dates are canceled within time.